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A Story on a Storm
In 2012 I was supposed to run the mother of all marathons: New York. It was on the top of my bucket list and it felt like something I had...

Successful Storytelling in Game to Film Adaptations
"Script. Script. And Script." Alfred Hitchcock Image Credits: Riot Games and Fortiche (Arcane) Still reading? Okay, okay... I'll bite!...

A Christmas Story to Ourselves
By Maggie Maris – Author My Journal & Rogier van Kralingen  – Writer The Whole Story  Every year around Christmas, we basically fall...

The Art of Storytelling - How to Build Compelling Narrative
Compelling. That's what it all comes down to, the art of storytelling. So, today we'll dive into the big 'Why' of storytelling, then...

How to use Storytelling in Recruitment - The Best Ideas for Recruitment Stories
Since at the moment all kinds of industries have problems recruiting the right people, I sometimes get asked if there are storytelling...

Seamless & Down to Earth - The New Trend In Sustainable Storytelling is Innovation of Superior Products... and Not About Green
Move over Greta Thunberg, the real - and very much needed - change will come from the answer to this question: Who will become the next...

Four Original Story Lessons on the Storytelling of Stranger Things
In Stranger Things we follow a tight knit group of youngsters in the '80's who encounter things that are not of this world. Still having...

Storytelling Tips and Tricks for Art, Fiction, Character, Film, Novel, Literature & Poetry Stories... Especially Against Writer's Block!
Sometimes you can't seem to start, or you are stuck, you run into a writer's block or something else is in the way of your storytelling...

Question Checklist for Branding, Organization, Cultural & Corporate Storytelling
The Socrates Method is the practice where you keep asking questions until there are no more questions to be asked and everything you need...

Fortune Favors The Bold - 13 Brand, Storytelling and Recession Marketing Tips for Downturns & Tough Times
On October 6th 2008, from a landline at the Waldorf Estoria hotel in New York, my dad phoned me up and said: "I don't know how long they...

Storytelling & Brand Purpose
For years now, a debate has been raging about purpose-driven thinking. This concept of 'purpose' for companies seems well-intentioned and...

Visceral, Confrontational & Perfectly Paced - Why John McTiernan Films & Storytelling Are So Great
Just like there is a consensus why Super Mario World tops most the lists of the best video game that has ever been made, and we agree on...

King America - How Europe Now Sees the Story of American Democracy
Apparently, America is now a kingdom. How did it get here? I offer Americans an outsider view  from those who’ve lived under kings. The...

You as the Storyteller - How to overcome Writer's Block
Creative endeavors are extraordinary hard to do. So, sometimes, us creatives and artists get blocked. We call it 'Writer's Block' but it...

Visualization Techniques for Storytelling & Creative Health
The power of the mind is truly phenomenal. And one of the most powerful things to do with this power, is to visualize outcomes before...

Storytelling - All The Most Important Definitions, Concepts, Wordings and Descriptions You'll Ever Need (in Alphabetic Order)
Today, a simple post with a series of very important definitions and descriptions related to storytelling, as follow up to The Nine Very...

The 9 Very Best Storytelling Quotes Based on Their Deeper Meaning
A while back I had the pleasure and honor of attending Story masterclasses by the incredible Robert McKee. For those of you who don't...

The Story You Tell Yourself - How Storytelling Helps Manifesting
It's all the rage in certain, mostly affluent circles: manifesting. For some, it's a holy grail. For others, pure nonsense. The truth...

Anxiety and Instant Stress Relief
So much about our mental health is about physicality . Solutions to stress are no different. If we want to reduce stress in our lives we...

Storytelling Basics - Why Friction & Conflict are the Single Most Crucial Elements of all Stories
Throughout the ages, our lives have been filled with constant trials and tribulations. As a result, our entire biological make up is...
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